For those who have confessed their faith in Jesus Christ and desire to proclaim their belief in our Lord publicly, Restoration offers water baptism. Baptism occurs quarterly at the church and is preceded by a three-afternoon class, which further affirms a believer’s statement of faith, assists in defining a Christian’s acceptance of Christ as Lord and Savior, and further details the purpose of water baptism along with how life with Jesus will impact a Christ follower’s future. Please get in touch with our church offices for additional information or to express your interest in being water baptized.
We understand that one of the most challenging moments a fellow believer must face is when the time arrives to say goodbye. Our pastoral staff and our leadership are available when these times arrive and would love to be of service to you and your family. Currently, our church does not permit funerals where a loved one’s remains are in the sanctuary. We welcome memorial services for family and friends to gather to memorialize the deceased at our facilities. We also are willing to meet your family and friends at one of the several funeral homes to eulogize the dearly departed. Please do not hesitate to contact our leadership at Restoration, as we are here to comfort you and remind you of God’s love during a tough time.

The Restoration family would love to be instrumental in the biblical nuptials shared between a man and a woman. There is something truly special when a new family is formed before God. For Christian-based weddings, our facilities are welcome to welcome your family and friends. Our leadership will assist in shaping your ceremony based on your specifications, as a member of our pastoral staff will oversee the three pre-marital preparation classes and the vow exchange. Because weddings have multiple details that should be discussed, we welcome you to contact us when this precious moment for a couple arrives.
Restoration would love to welcome you and your family as you present your previous infant before our Lord. Baby blessings are held periodically at our church and serve the purpose of devoting a child’s life to our Savior. Before God, we stand in agreement as we establish publicly the roles and Christian responsibilities of both the parents of the child and the selected godparents that affirm to be a God-like influence and support system for the child. Don’t hesitate to contact our church offices for additional information or to schedule your child’s dedication.